Monthly Archives: April 2021

Return to Squash from Monday 26th April & Subscriptions

Dear Dean member, 
We are pleased to advise members that, in line with guidance from government and Scottish Squash, we are able to re-start the process towards playing squash at the club.

 The squash courts will be open from Monday 26 April for solo squash exercise, one to one coaching, and normal squash for those of you lucky enough to be part of a household with another member.  

Return to full squash

On the basis of the Scottish Government’s current timetable for moving out of lockdown, we can anticipate all restrictions on indoor sports to be lifted towards the end of June. As soon as we have a confirmed date, we will be in contact again about that, and confirming costs.  The fee to be paid will be based on the 2020 subscription rates reduced by the proportion of the full year remaining before the end of March 2022.  


  • Squash members and full members who paid in advance for the 2020/21 season and those who joined or re-joined last autumn last year can use the courts without any further fee.
  • Squash members who did not pay a subscription in 2020 but want to start playing again under the current restrictions should contact us to have your booking rights restored for squash. We will let you know of any cost for this.
  • Tennis couples who may want to play squash as well should contact us so we can amend your booking ability and membership category, and advise you of the revised fee.
  • Squash members who have switched to tennis during lockdown may take up this option for limited squash during this coming period without any further fee. They will need to contact us about their options (single sport or full membership) once full squash is resumed.

 Minimising infection risks

We remind members of the basic rules to minimise risks from COVID for those that wish to take up this option

  • Only play on a court that you have booked
  • Come to the Club changed ready for squash other than for your shoes; you must change to indoor footwear before you go on court
  • Do not use the changing rooms other than for the toilets and hand washing facilities
  • Use hand sanitizer on entering the Clubhouse and before leaving (this is available in the lobby area)
  • Wear a face mask in the Clubhouse other than on the court

A revised version of the return to squash protocol will be available on the noticeboard in the lobby area and on the website

 All members are advised of the need to sign any guests in, on the noticeboard near the entrance, and that a £4 fee will be charged to the following year’s membership fee for each guest occasion.  

best wishes
