Daily Archives: July 18, 2021

Return of Competitive Squash July 2021

Dear Dean member, 
The club committee is delighted to confirm that competitive squash is now allowed as of tomorrow, 19 July.We now invite those squash members whose membership has been held in abeyance over the last year or more, to rejoin and make use of the squash courts.  You will have received a recent message from membermojo indicating that your membership will be expiring shortly, and there is a link there to enable you to log in and rejoin.  
Things are not completely normal; the attached documents describing how we would like members to use the facility are in line with the club’s risk assessment and guidance from Scottish Squash.  We would be grateful if you could comply. 
Ron anticipates running a new round of squash minileagues from around 09 August, all being well.
Any questions about use of the squash courts or the clubhouse, please direct to Michael or Jerry
Any questions about renewing membership, or from other members wishing to amend their existing membership to include squash to me please
Any questions about squash mini leagues to Ron please.
cheers, David