Table Tennis League
The table tennis league runs while their is interest from the membership. The league offers the chance to meet new folk & get a regular game with someone of a similar standard. (on hold)
Divisions usually comprise between 4-6 players. Players are sent the details of their opponents. Players should be pro-active in arranging their matches. Players who play no matches will be dropped from the next round of the leagues. The league is usually updated every 6 weeks.
Matches should be played as the best of 7 games. Change serve every 2 points. The winner of a game is the first to 11 points, however, there must be a gap of at least two points between opponents at the end of the game.
As of March-2020 club has provided four new table tennis bats and balls. they’re kept in a box in the bottom of the locker in the function room. Please treat them with respect.
For more information or to sign up contact the organiser via the contacts page.
Click here to book the function room to play table tennis.
The 2 photos above show Mark & Bob enjoying a close game of table tennis in the function room.