The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.

Dear Member,
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. Details for accessing the meeting and for participation will be
provided in the week before the meeting takes place. We do ask members who have any
questions or comments on the matters to be discussed, to send these to Jerry before Wednesday
24th March ( Jerry will pass these on to other members of the
We should also make clear at this stage that we will not be asking for proposers and seconders
for the approval of each report provided by the Committee as we would normally do. For that
reason, it is important that you inform us before the meeting of any issue or decision that you
consider to be incorrect or unclear in the attachments being sent with this report.