Dear Dean member,
The club committee is delighted to confirm that competitive squash is now allowed as of tomorrow, 19 July.We now invite those squash members whose membership has been held in abeyance over the last year or more, to rejoin and make use of the squash courts. You will have received a recent message from membermojo indicating that your membership will be expiring shortly, and there is a link there to enable you to log in and rejoin.
Things are not completely normal; the attached documents describing how we would like members to use the facility are in line with the club’s risk assessment and guidance from Scottish Squash. We would be grateful if you could comply.
Ron anticipates running a new round of squash minileagues from around 09 August, all being well.
Any questions about use of the squash courts or the clubhouse, please direct to Michael or Jerry
Any questions about renewing membership, or from other members wishing to amend their existing membership to include squash to me please
Any questions about squash mini leagues to Ron please.
cheers, David
All posts by Patrick Jones
New WordPress theme trial
The Dean club website uses a WordPress theme which was created in 2013 & can’t be changed easily by anyone but the original developer. In addition, the recent implementation of a new SSL certificate, to make the website more secure, seems to have blocked the main banner photo of the tennis courts. This photo was out of date (old courts), was extremely tricky to update & had to be shown on each page. So, I’d like to try out this new WordPress theme in the hope that it renders better & on mobile phones as well as desktops and tablets. If there are any problems that I can’t fix or a sufficient number of folk really don’t like it then I can revert to the old theme or try something else! Best Wishes, Patrick Jones
Dean Tennis Club Annual Tournament to be held on Saturday 04 September 2021 (weather and Covid allowing).
There are 8 separate competitions:
Gents open singles and handicap singles
Ladies open singles and handicap singles
Ladies and gents open doubles
Mixed doubles (handicapped)
Veteran’s mixed doubles (qualification: combined age 100 or over, minimum individual age = 40)
Members in the intermediate category (14 to 17 years old) are welcome to enter.
Members may enter as many competitions for which they are qualified as they wish.
Members who do not have a playing partner may put their names forward for doubles events and we will try to match them up with a partner.
Entries should be sent to Iain Mackay, by Saturday 10 July
Tennis Return to play protocol updated
The latest return to play protocol for tennis can be found here:
Return to Squash from Monday 26th April & Subscriptions
Dear Dean member,
We are pleased to advise members that, in line with guidance from government and Scottish Squash, we are able to re-start the process towards playing squash at the club.
The squash courts will be open from Monday 26 April for solo squash exercise, one to one coaching, and normal squash for those of you lucky enough to be part of a household with another member.
Return to full squash
On the basis of the Scottish Government’s current timetable for moving out of lockdown, we can anticipate all restrictions on indoor sports to be lifted towards the end of June. As soon as we have a confirmed date, we will be in contact again about that, and confirming costs. The fee to be paid will be based on the 2020 subscription rates reduced by the proportion of the full year remaining before the end of March 2022.
- Squash members and full members who paid in advance for the 2020/21 season and those who joined or re-joined last autumn last year can use the courts without any further fee.
- Squash members who did not pay a subscription in 2020 but want to start playing again under the current restrictions should contact us to have your booking rights restored for squash. We will let you know of any cost for this.
- Tennis couples who may want to play squash as well should contact us so we can amend your booking ability and membership category, and advise you of the revised fee.
- Squash members who have switched to tennis during lockdown may take up this option for limited squash during this coming period without any further fee. They will need to contact us about their options (single sport or full membership) once full squash is resumed.
Minimising infection risks
We remind members of the basic rules to minimise risks from COVID for those that wish to take up this option
- Only play on a court that you have booked
- Come to the Club changed ready for squash other than for your shoes; you must change to indoor footwear before you go on court
- Do not use the changing rooms other than for the toilets and hand washing facilities
- Use hand sanitizer on entering the Clubhouse and before leaving (this is available in the lobby area)
- Wear a face mask in the Clubhouse other than on the court
A revised version of the return to squash protocol will be available on the noticeboard in the lobby area and on the website
All members are advised of the need to sign any guests in, on the noticeboard near the entrance, and that a £4 fee will be charged to the following year’s membership fee for each guest occasion.
best wishes
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.
Dear Member,
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. Details for accessing the meeting and for participation will be
provided in the week before the meeting takes place. We do ask members who have any
questions or comments on the matters to be discussed, to send these to Jerry before Wednesday
24th March ( Jerry will pass these on to other members of the
We should also make clear at this stage that we will not be asking for proposers and seconders
for the approval of each report provided by the Committee as we would normally do. For that
reason, it is important that you inform us before the meeting of any issue or decision that you
consider to be incorrect or unclear in the attachments being sent with this report.
Snow on Tennis Courts
Whilst snow remains lying on the ground, we request members not to enter the tennis courts. Walking on snow turns it to ice which remains on the surface for much longer than on uncompacted areas.
We are all anxious to resume tennis. Any further access to the court will increase the time we have to wait and the time needed to clear off the remnants of the ice after the snow begins to thaw.
September 2020 Tennis Tournament Winners
We were pleased to be able to hold a tennis championship this year despite the restrictions although were not able to have our usual social gathering on finals day. Because of the restrictions placed on us, the matches were played at times to suit the finalists.
The winners were:
Gents Singles: Axel Laurell
Ladies Singles: Claire MacDonald (Photo missing)
Gents Doubles: Gregg Webster & Stephen Jones
Ladies Doubles: Morag Houston & Emily Anderson
Gents Handicap Singles: Gregg Webster
Ladies Handicap Singles: Suzannah Brown (Photo missing)
Mixed Doubles: David Robb & Ann Dickson
Veterans Mixed Doubles: Graeme Robson & Suzie Wilson
We were delighted to see so many new members enter the competition and congratulate 5 of those (Axel, Claire, Suzannah, Ann and Suzie) who won their final and we thank Iain Mackay as tournament referee.
Photographs of 6 groups of finalists are shown below:

COVID-19 Update 28 September 2020
The Club is committed to compliance with the Scottish Government’s coronavirus rules in accordance with guidance issued by our sports’ governing bodies: Tennis Scotland and Scottish Squash. The current protocols for tennis & squash and can be found HERE and HERE.
Tennis play is essentially unrestricted with doubles play permitted with 4 players from separate households. Coaching is available for both individuals and groups. The Club continues to offer Turn Up and Play sessions and singles box leagues.
Squash, sadly, remains restricted to solo squash for practice and exercise, and one-to-one coaching. The standard game is only permitted for members of the same household.
When at the Club, members are asked to comply with rules concerning physical distancing and hand hygiene, and not to use the Club as a social space.
We continue to welcome new members, but potential squash members need to be aware of the severely limited opportunities for play.