Category Archives: The Club

New WordPress theme trial

The Dean club website uses a WordPress theme which was created in 2013 & can’t be changed easily by anyone but the original developer. In addition, the recent implementation of a new SSL certificate, to make the website more secure, seems to have blocked the main banner photo of the tennis courts. This photo was out of date (old courts), was extremely tricky to update & had to be shown on each page. So, I’d like to try out this new WordPress theme in the hope that it renders better & on mobile phones as well as desktops and tablets. If there are any problems that I can’t fix or a sufficient number of folk really don’t like it then I can revert to the old theme or try something else! Best Wishes, Patrick Jones

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.

Dear Member,
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Thursday 25th March 2021.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. Details for accessing the meeting and for participation will be
provided in the week before the meeting takes place. We do ask members who have any
questions or comments on the matters to be discussed, to send these to Jerry before Wednesday
24th March ( Jerry will pass these on to other members of the
We should also make clear at this stage that we will not be asking for proposers and seconders
for the approval of each report provided by the Committee as we would normally do. For that
reason, it is important that you inform us before the meeting of any issue or decision that you
consider to be incorrect or unclear in the attachments being sent with this report.

Dean AGM 2016

The Dean AGM will be held in the clubhouse at 6:45pm – Wednesday 16th March 2016. Drinks and nibbles will be provided. We hope to see you all there for an exciting announcement about the club’s tennis coaching!

Dean AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in the Clubhouse on Thursday 5th March 2015 at 6.45 pm. There will be wine, soft drinks and nibbles available.


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of previous AGM minutes
  3. President’s report
  4. Vice President & Ladies Team report
  5. Membership secretary’s report
  6. Treasurer’s report
  7. Squash & Racquetball Convenor report
  8. Tennis Convenor & Men’s Tennis report
  9. Grounds and Maintenance report
  10. Junior Squash Convenor report
  11. Social Events report & plans for 2015
  12. Approval of new subscription rates
  13. Election of office bearers and members of the Committee
  14. Subscriptions for 2015-2016
  15. Any other business

2014 Tennis League Starts 14th April

The singles tennis leagues are restarting on Monday 14th April. To join up please send Patrick Jones your contact details (ideally mobile & landline) & preferred starting division assuming 4 divisions with 1 being the strongest.

To keep matches to about an hour or so, the first player to win 9 games wins the match. To encourage people to play, points are awarded as follows: 2 points for playing a match, 1 point for each game won and 3 points for winning the match i.e. a maximum of 14 points per match. Typically the two players with the most points will be promoted and the two with the fewest will be demoted. See the clubhouse board for the detailed rules!

Good luck and have fun!

Squash Club Night Launch

We’ve discussed the results of the survey for the relaunch of club night and decided the following…

Club night will be from 7.40-9.00pm on a Monday night. The initial format for club night is going to be flexible until we find out how many people turn up. We will start by sticking to traditional scoring, unless there are large numbers and the matches will be best of 2 games. The format for launch night on Monday the 24th of March 2014 will be (roughly):

6.20pm Warm up hosted by Amanda
7.00pm Club night will start
8.20pm Pizza and nibbles
8.45pm Wine tasting hosted by Richard Maspero (subject to interest)

Hopefully this will give people the flexibility to come along some time between 6.20 and 7 then play squash for an hour before having a nice social get together upstairs in the function room.

We’ll have to request a small fee for the relaunch night if people intend to stay for food and drinks but there will be no charge for the squash. If people could email Sarah and Richard to let them know if they intend to stay on for pizza and wine so we can get numbers, that would be great. Any questions, please contact Matthew.